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My Book
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BOOK TITLE: THE PATH TO WEALTH INTELLIGENCE (Selling!) ![]() But I know that sometimes you just need some inspiration and mentorship, something to keep you going through the tougher times. I have like you, once definitely felt my motivations dropped when I was putting in all my hours and doing all the things but getting none of my fully expected results. You dreamt for so long of what it would be like to run your own business, the freedom, the fun, the impact, but the reality can sometimes fall short. For those times, I have put together a list of my top tested techniques that super guaranteed path to wealth intelligence for entrepreneurs. Of a bookworm and since coaching entrepreneurs, I have consumed non-fiction business and mindset books like they are going out of fad. My book has opened up a world of advice and sometimes life changing advice. My thoughts are purely practical and my real live experiences. I would highly recommend you embrace the reader in you as you start molding yourself into an entrepreneur. However with so many entrepreneurial and mindset books out there before mine, where should you start? Pretty good, I have put together my top 10 - tips to get you started: - DISCOVER PATH TO TOTAL PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT - PATH TO WEALTH INTELLIGENCE - HOW TO CREATE A VIABLE BUSINESS ONLINE AND OFFLINE - CREATE THE BUSINESS OF THE 21ST CENTURY - WORKABLE ENTREPRENEURIAL IDEAS - WHAT NEXT? - ACQUIRING SKILLS - DON’T GIVE UP - MY INCUBATION AND WORKSHOP PROGRAMS - AND MORE GIVEAWAYS… My Book and Promise: A chance to leave something of last significance. A book of wealth creation to which future learners will refer. A publication to sit on shelves of serious entrepreneur and creator's libraries. And a source of immense business and personal satisfaction. It will be in correlation to your works, thoughts and conclusions in this 21st century. With my essential, expert guidance. Holistically speaking, this book is definitive in nature and one of the bests about the make-up of a path to wealth and financial freedom, and the people who comprise it. It is also, however, a book about progress, about myths, philosophy, economics, and ethics of successful persona. About how businesses, societies are changing and how we keep up. It is a book about values. Above all, it is a book about the way entrepreneurship are, and an invitation to imagine how they might be different. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it... Money-Back Guarantee* I am super- duper confident that if you apply the principles from this book you will become a successful business creator and that if you are not satisfied I will give you your money back. You can return this book with your purchase receipt within 5-days of purchase. Proffy MaxiMedia #12 Idowu Lane Ikeja Lagos. Please select your preferred BUYING platform below. Follow instruction for your order. “PMM’s 5000/5 Incubator is a welcome journey through the mind of the world’s most Influential industry -Information and Communication Technology, at a time, when understanding Proffy MaxiMedia Incubator City’s motivations, myths and ethics are vitally important to human life”- Adeniyi Akintoye AVAILABLE ON AMAZON and OTHER BEST SELLING BOOKSHOPS ACROSS THE GLOBE TITLE- the path to wealth intelligence YOU CAN GET A COPY ON AMAZON ; KINDLE eBook(read): GET YOUR COPY HERE» PAPER BACK: GET YOUR COPY HERE» ON PAYHIP: REFER AND TELL A FRIEND, GET PURCHASE DISCOUNT RATE GET YOUR COPY HERE » ON OKADABOOKS- IF YOU ARE FROM NIGERIA YOU CAN GET A COPY FROM OKADABOOKS: GET YOUR COPY HERE » BUY FROM THE AUTHOR'S SHELVE DIRECTLY» PLS, SEND YOUR PAYMENT TO THE ACCOUNT DETAIL BELOW AND FORWARD YOUR PAYMENT CONFIRMATION (SMS/CHEQUE/ TRANSFER) TO TEL- +2348124680033 |Email - adeniyiakintoye@proffymaximedia.com WE HAVE 24/7 BUYER'S SUPPORT VIA CALL/WHATSAPP/EMAIL AVALABLE FORMATS - (.pdf, .docx,.eup, available),(audio, video, in-view) NOTE- if you are buying more than one copy , there is room for discount rate. contact us, ON - CALL/WHATSAPP/EMAIL PRICE $10.99|=N=|OTHER CURRENCIES |please pay THE current exchange rate, as at the date of purchase |
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