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PMM Incubator Systems' Strategic Partnership

Our partnership is aim to be supported by government and non-governmental organizations, bilateral, multilateral and local donors, individuals, religious , individuals, agencies, angel investors, venture capitalist , philanthropist and political bodies, to hone our performance and decision making in complex environments.

Among our potential information technology collaborators are some of the world’s leading companies and agencies. We recognized that it is through such partnerships that our greatest advances will be made. Much of our innovations has great technological relevance and, therefore, business industrial collaboration across all professional fields. e.g. IT, Agriculture, Graphics, Accounts, Mechanical, Electrical, Commerce etc.

We are currently opened for any interested SPONSORSHIP , DONOR AND PARTNERS to bring their quota of positive influence and contribution to the actualization of our mission.

For further enquiry on SPONSOR , DONOR AND PARTNERS . Please contact the admission office on +23455364947 and

For further enquiry on our admission processes and procedure . Please contact the admission office on +23455364947 and

Registration is ongoing, REGISTER WITH US


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