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PMMI has extensive support services to help trainees through their time in our incubators.

All services mentioned are going to be available at our entire incubator hub. We shall be providing our trainees with all the opportunities and matrix of programmes to be benefactor of such when exists.

Career, PMMI is one of the resources to help you manage your own career, including career choice and job seeking skills, to promote your interests to employers and their representative organizations. To do this, we offer one –to – one guidance, an extensive range of careers information and learning resources, expert advice on selling yourself, employer events (including our annual careers fair) and IT based resources.

We can tailor packages to suit you and these can include psychometric test and career profiling inventories to help you together a career development plans.

The information, advice and guidance we offer is informed by current labour market trends and what employers tell us. It is also client focused, impartial and confidential.

We shall be publishing ,


Links to the best graduate jobs seeking websites

Access to our own graduate job databases and vacancies annually

Details on where and how to use our services.

Helps continue after you graduate, but evidence shows that early planning and action increases your chances of finding the opportunity for you. Particularly, those who want to be employee. We are here to train you to become employers not employees; however that doesn’t not mean you should not be primed.


The centre provides information, advice and guidance on financial and welfare issues, and has responsibility for organizing the welfare services for international trainees (including orientation) It also manages the Access to Learning Fund when exists. If you want to explore the this office and how to manage your finances including debt problems, then get in touch with us on

Email :


PMMI, welcomes application from disabled trainees and we aim to help you gain maximum benefit from your time at the incubator. We can offer advice on:

Meeting individual support needs

Finding suitable accommodation

Accessing disability benefits

Apply for the disabled Trainee’s allowances when exists

If you have a disability or medical condition that may affect your ability to study, please get in touch with us on Email :


PMMI provides a wide range of health care services geared to the needs of trainees at the incubator and at all our centres. Our health services will run series of clinics such as travel, minor and well woman. A free health check is offered to all new patients. Outside normal treating hours, medical advice is given over the telephone or a doctor will visit in urgent cases. Our nursing services shall be 24 hours, daily.


Proffy Maximedia Incubator City, has advisers at both centres who provide independent and confidential advice to trainees on virtually any welfare or course- related problems including housing, finance, disciplinary matters and immigration. A series of information booklets on a wide range of issues is also available .


As many trainees will know, from time to time, trainees may experience problems which affect their studies or their personal lives. PMMI provides friendly and independent counselling services to help trainees through these difficulties. The service is staffed by professional counsellors and provides the opportunity to talk in confidence with a professional about any academic or emotional difficulties such as exam pressures, homesickness or bereavement.

The service also offers an email drop-in service providing information, advice and support with any problems of a psychological or emotional nature.

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PMMI CITY, is a multicultural training hub and the Chaplaincy and religious Support service aim to reflect the various faiths of our trainees by providing:

Information on places of worship and faith communities in the location of INCUBATORS

Many faiths have active trainee societies

Help for trainees to contact others from their own denomination or faith

A varied events programmee through the years

A listening ear for trainees who are in difficulty.

The chaplaincy at PMMI offers space for prayer for and reflection, with regular services and social space called the upper room. Muslim prayer facilities are also available.

The chaplaincy based at the PMMI is supported by clergy from local churches and has developed effective contacts with the local Sikh and Muslim communities. This has enabled trainees to those faiths to establish links with the communities where our incubation hubs are located. A monthly Holy Communion service is provided;, open to all who wish to attend.

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