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Our Research Courses include but not limited to; Research in BIO- Inspired for and by biology and the biomedical sciences

Communication – The provision of ubiquitous wireless communications services for anyone, any place, any time

Declarative Systems and Software Engineering- Improving software engineering at systems level where large, complex systems are built from reusable components

Electrical Power Engineering – The development and application of modern materials, methods and technologies in electrical power engineering

Electronics Systems Design- Novel algorithms and methodologies to underpin EDA tool development for large system design and test, and for intelligent sensor microsystems

Grid and Pervasive Computing – Providing the enabling infrastructure for exciting new developments across various subject domains including science, engineering and medicine

Image, Speech and Intelligent Systems –Understanding, measurement and control through complex data analysis and signal processing

Nanoscale Systems Integration –Design and fabrication at the nano scale, to produce integrated systems on chips

Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia –Design and application of computing systems for complex information and knowledge processing tasks

Learning Technologies –Improving the learning experience through identifying leading edge technologies and applying them to emerging models of research – led teaching

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